30th September 2024

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Syresham Parish Council Serving the people of Syresham

Syresham Truck Stop Update

Syresham Truck Stop Update

Please see below an extract from Cllr D Bambridge Silverstone Ward Report from 25.09.24 giving the latest update regarding the Truck Stop:

Syresham Truck Stop

I only had it confirmed this morning, that the WNC Southern Area Planning Committee, which sits next Thursday 3rd October at 6.00 pm, will have as the first item on the agenda the Syresham truck stop application WNS/2022/2012/MAO. The recommendation is for refusal, which I understand is mainly for highways reasons, but I have not yet seen the final papers for the meeting, which I should receive in the morning. There is a site visit by the committee on Tuesday morning, to which the parish council will be invited.

It was thought that the matter would be handled by the Strategic Planning Committee but I am told it did not meet the requirements for that so it is going before the Southern Area Committee.However, as I wrote an objection to the application, believing that it would not be my committee that would hear the matter, I am somewhat restricted on what I can do at the meeting but will be able to speak.

At the meeting, I will declare an interest due to having written in objection to the application, stand down and sit in the public gallery. I will be called to speak as ward member and will explain my reasons for objection and then return to the gallery but not vote on the matter. However, as the recommendation is for refusal unless something totally unforeseen should occur, I am confident that will be confirmed by the committee.

For those wishing to speak; a member of the Parish Council, if they request it, may speak. Two members of the public are further permitted but they must apply to do so by noon on Wednesday 2nd October, as must the parish council. All speakers have only three minutes allowed. If there are a number of people wishing to speak, a spokesperson can be appointed by them to speak on their behalf.

To apply to speak an email should be sent to Richard Woods, Democratic Services Officer, Legal & Democratic Services, West Northants Council richard.woods@westnorthants.gov.uk democraticservices@westnorthants.gov.uk

The following is the refusal reason given by Highways taken from their most recent letter on file -

Posted: Thu, 26 Sep 2024

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