Who we are & what we do
Town and Parish councils are the first level of local government. They provide communities with a democratic voice and a structure for taking community action.
Syresham Parish Council consists of 9 elected councillors who serve for a four year term. All Councillors are voluntary and receive no payment whatsoever.
Council Meetings are normally held on the last Wednesday of each month, except December, and occasionally extraordinary meetings are held to discuss urgent matters - see the diary of meetings for more information.
Syresham Parish Council provides many services, such as the maintainance of green spaces and play areas in the parish, maintenance of streetlights in Syresham and Crowfield and the provision and emptying of dog waste bins. The Parish Council also represents residents, bringing local issues to the attention of relevant authorities or MPs and is invited to comment on local planning applications.
If you need to discuss any topic that you think is important in our parish then please speak to one of the councillors directly or our clerk.
For further information relating to the services offered by the Parish Council please contact the Parish Clerk who will be happy to give advice and assistance.
A list of our councillors along with contact information and which committees they are on.
Our committees have specific tasks and can have delegated powers.
List of our committees and what they do.
Responsible Duties
Syresham Times Parish Reports Cllr C Munsey
Footpath Wardens A Hornby
Swingfield Management Cllr D Green and Cllr C Munsey
Flood Warden Cllr H MacIver
Roads, Pavements & Traffic Management Cllr D Cranwell, Cllr D Green and Cllr R Woolley
Internal Financial Control Cllr D Green
Data Protection Cllr A Jeskins
Village Enhancement Cllr C Munsey, Cllr D Green and Cllr D Dunkley
Silverstone Liaison Cllr I Draper
Turweston Airfield Liaison Cllr I Draper
Flytipping and Litter Cllr C Munsey
Police Liaison Officer/Neighbourhood Watch Cllr D Cranwell, Cllr A Jeskins
HS2 Liaison Cllr R Woolley
Streetlighting Cllr R Woolley
Syresham Parish Council Standing Orders
Policy - Standing Orders 2018 (PDF, 216 Kb)
Standing orders adopted by Syresham Council in May 2018.
The Clerk
The Clerk is also the Responsible Financial Officer for Syresham Parish Council and is responsible for accounts, preparing meeting agendas and minutes, liaising with contractors and service providers and is the first point of contact for enquiries.